Saturday, May 14, 2011


LabbaikaLlah humma labbaik...

AlhamduliLlah all went well. A most beautiful experience, unlike any I've ever had. All my life, I have had Him in my conscience, but now His presence is more evident than ever.

Out of all that, I've realised how amazing my faith really is, how it should be practiced with love and tolerance, and more importantly to use the 'aqal that He has given us rather than to follow blindly, as lambs do their shepherds.

He is forgiving of our sins, if we would only repent.
He gives us what is best for us, if we would only ask.
He puts hindrances in our way, so we will always remember Him.
Best of all, He rewards us tremendously, when we do!

Ya Allah, peliharalah aku dalam iman dan baraqahMu, amiin...

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