Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Do kids these days play secret codes? Secret language? Secret writings?

(1) When I was a kid I was first introduced to kiddies codespeak at primary school, the 'alphabet language'. I'm sure most of you guys know this one, it was the rage at that time.

You select one alphabet you like, then break up your words into syllables, and insert the selected alphabet and an appropriate vowel in between the syllables. Complicated? Demo... demo...

Say you select the alphabet M and wanna say the word "suka".

SUKA --> su + ka --> su + mu + ka + ma ==> SUMUKAMA

If the original word ends with a consonant, just carry the consonant right to the end, after the last insertion.

SUKAN --> su + ka + n --> su + mu + ka + ma + n ==> SUMUKAMAN

Easy peasy.

Sakayaka sukukaka hakatiki sekebakab Akadiekijikin nakak bekelakanjaka sakayaka mikinukum kokopiki.

The kids then loved to use the alphabet F, and they called the codespeak 'the F Language'. Me, I preferred the alphabet K, easier to spew forth without potentially spraying saliva on my friends hahaha :-)

(2) Then there was the 'Bahasa Terbalik'. Surprisingly, my mom is very adept at this! However, it can only be used with two syllable words. You simply take a word, break it up into syllables, rearrange the order of the consonant but not the vowel. Ahh... demo... demo...

LABU --> la + bu --> l + a + b +u --> b + a + l + u ==> BALU

However if the syllable has three alphabets or the word ends with a consonant, then the consonant stays at its place.

PERGI --> per + gi --> pe + r + gi --> ge + r + pi ==> GERPI

RUMAH --> ru + mah --> ru + ma + h --> mu + ra + h ==> MURAH

Actually there's not really a strict formula, its more like sesedap rasa :-)

(3) Next is the very exaggerated 'Bahasa Niknong' which only two people I know who can speak it fluently, namely me and my best buddy Jamie. That's because we concocted it ourselves in Form Two hehehe :-)

As in the earlier mentioned codes, the words are broken into syllables, but only the last syllable is changed. Turn the last vowel in the last syllable into 'ik', then duplicate and insert the last consonant from the last syllable, and lastly add in 'ong'. Hehe... demo... demo....

APA --> a + pa --> a + p (-a) + ik + p + ong ==> APIKPONG

If the word ends with a consonant, the consonant is sometimes dropped.

LEMAK --> le + mak --> le + ma (-k) --> le + m (-a) + ik + m + ong ==> LEMIKMONG

But sometimes the last consonant isn't dropped.

BASIKAL --> ba + si + kal --> ba + si + ka + l + ik + l + ong ==> BASIKALIKLONG

This one is quite hard to understand, coz different words may end up sounding similar, so you have to know the context of the word in the whole sentence. For example, the words 'ada' and 'adik' both end up as 'adikdong'. As a sentence, it's nonsensical and sounds practically insane for the uninitiated hehehe :-)

Awikwong sudikdong makikkong kikkong? Perikrong sayikyong lapikpong liklong, jomikmomg pekeniknong rotiktong caniknong samikmong tiktong tarikrong!

(4) OK last one is 'Bahas Separ' which is actually 'bahasa separuh' but even it's name has been trimmed hehehe :-) Me and buddies used this alot in the early 1990s, waaaayyyyy before it became favoured among our silembut friends. Unfortunately there's no registered copyright on stuff like this, otherwise we might have gotten at least a little recognition for it :-P

Again, break the word into syllables. Then maintain the consonant of the last syllable and omit the vowel. Throw in an occassional alphabet S at the end of some of the words in your sentence, just for kicks. Voila! Your new word is about 40% shorter, good economics, eh? Demo.... demo.....

Bagi dia buah limau yang kecik tu ==> BAG DI BUAH LIMS YANG KEC TU

Oh yeah, single syllable words are maintained, as they can't possibly be made any shorter :-) And some common words which couldn't be so coded, are replaced totally with another word, for example, the word 'tak' is replaced with 'dinch' which is a twisted variation of the English word 'don't', used to indicate anything negative.


Please feel free to knock your head on the wall, I heard it can overcome headaches people get from reading garbage postings.... hehehe :-D


Dr. Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen said...

Hahahaha... nice one Jie. It certainly brings back memories, but yours truly here has difficulties mastering these 'languages' even back then. The missus though is a master of the alphabet language.
Anyway, there is another language that was around when I was in school... "Bahasa S". You just add the letter s at the end of every word. "Sayas sukas minums kopis." It was quite simple and popular during my time. But I do recall my wife telling me that her students (when she was teaching at a matriculation college) uses the "Bahasa S" to connote the opposite meaning by only adding the letter s onto the word that is intended to show the opposite meaning. For instance, "Jawapan saya betuls" would mean that the answer is actually wrong.

pB said...

Salam ....

perkatamaka kakaliki makasukkuk lakamankan ikiniki ....

kalau nak cakap benda rahsia depan mak ayah, guna bahasa terbalik ni lah ....

Jo Kontan said...


Sekarang nii, Bahsa Fonen tuu kira yang paling top laa.

Uols Go and ask Lilster..Maks tak koser yeww..


JIE said...

Salam, Kelana,

Terlupa plak bahasa S tu hehe :-)

All these codespeak is juvenile fun, it's fun if u understand it, but darn irritating if u don't hehe :-)

JIE said...

Salam, pb,

Terimikmong kasiksong sebikbong sudikdong lawitwong belogikgong iniknong :-)

JIE said...

Salam, Jo,

Bahasa Fonen? Is that what it's called these days? LOL :-D

OK ok I go learn from Lilster hehe mak suker mak suker - tepuk tepuk tepuk... mrasalah nak cakap bahasa fonen tapi kurang menjadik hahaha :-)