Saturday, August 05, 2006


Announcing the arrival of Muhammad Amir Danish, 3.05kg, 45cm length, on July 26th 2006 at 4.41pm via caesarian section.

Fair skin, straight hair, not so mancung nose, tiny lips with moncong macam mak menti, uhuh.. uhuh… so far sama la dengan abanglong nya si Haziq. Tapi isk… tang mata, camana leh sepet? No hal la tu, cuma in our family so far memang takdork trait mata sepet, so his eyes are unique la.

Abanglong who's just realized that suddenly the world doesn't revolve around him anymore... hehehe

Tu sebab la maklong dah jarang apdet blog sekarang. Ari-ari balik keje, dok penat buat part-time cuci poopoo Danish aje (his mom had a C-section kan, kena rehat banyak), and this little boy, like his brother Haziq, sure poos a lot! Busuk punya worang. I love you anyway Danish & Haziq, poopoo notwithstanding!

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