Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Blood donation drive at the office today. Some of us went, although the turnout today isn't very good. Probably because a couple of months back dah ada satu blood drive kat Putrajaya yang ramai staf dah pegi, baru lagi, they should've waited a few more months before hosting another drive.

Anyway, yours truly needs lotsa rest now, so no burning both ends of the candle tonite.

Meanwhile, here's a few blood drive posters for you. Lotsa blood donation campaigns at public places. Should you happen to be in the vicinity, do grab the chance to do some charity. Who knows, maybe next time, it's you who's gonna need other people's blood to save your life!

Beddy-bye angels. See you tomorrow, insyaAllah.

Ta! [ Zzzzzzzzz....... ]

Yang ni, aku tak paham, apa kesinambungannya???


Izhal said...

hahahah dracula blood drive poster tu lawak... eh, why not u design a pontianak blood drive poster, pakai maya karin jadi pontianak model, sure ramai orang bagi darah punyalah...

sini pon tak lama i have to give blood. not for a blood drive but the school here every year memang kena medical checkup... ambil sampai 2 picagari penuh pulak tu. selalu i warn the nurse, "one only" tapi dia bantai dua jugak...

I never gave blood, i'm so scared of blood tambah2 kalau dalam beg plastik blood transfusion tu... dulu masa AAD prep prgram, my friend gave 1 pt and ended up getting 2pt pasal dr kata lepas dia bagi dia tak stabil. i ran off to town during the blood drive... if i was a woman, i'd go nuts every time i period...

but if maya karin wants my blood,silakan... no, i dont think so...


Jo Kontan said...

I kenot give blood due to a very valid reason. High uric acid content. Am I happy or not ? I dunno..

Izhal said...

aih sebok ke jie? ke dah kekurangan darah? ak update dah blog ni...

JIE said...


Ala kejap je, 10 minit je derma darah tu, nothing to be afraid of hehe tak sakit pun. It's all in the mind :-)

Tapi kan, ur friend tu, yang kasi 1 peket pastu dapat 2 peket, tu kira buruk siku la!!!

JIE said...


Win some, lose some, eh? :-)

Well, I tak perasan plak whether gout is one of the disqualifying factors, tapi memang we have to declare any illnesses masa isi borang. From there they will evaluate whether we are suitable candidates or not.

Jaga makan la ye. My brother also has gout, kesian tengok dia banyak pantang makan.